An 8-part self-paced course to ditch confusion, gain clarity & feel energized, so you can focus on what's important!



Feeling a bit like a lost sock in the laundry of life? Need motivation to shape the life you've always envisioned?

My 8 concise modules will guide you out of the fog of uncertainty, igniting crystal-clear clarity about your true purpose and direction.

Get set to ditch the chaos, discover laser-sharp clarity, and unleash boundless vitality! In a world of distractions, this course is your guiding light, revealing the path to genuine focus. Bid adieu to doubts, rekindle your zest, and embrace what truly counts. Jump aboard our adventure towards a richer, more vibrant life!

Ever been trapped in a whirlwind of doubt, self-sabotage, and the fear of failing so epic it rivals a soap opera plot? It's like an overactive circus in your head, and you're the frazzled ringmaster, feeling more low-energy than a sloth on a lazy Sunday!

And let's not forget the daily freakout, where the confusion spiral feels like you're navigating a labyrinth blindfolded. You end up with more questions than answers, and your doubt collection starts to rival your shoe collection - overwhelming and taking up way too much space!

So, what's the escape plan? You might think jetting off to an exotic locale or seeking new adventures will work like a charm. But oddly enough, it's like trying to fix a leaky boat with a sieve. The more you try, the more water (or doubt) you get!

Can you relate? 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

8 years ago I was exactly there!

Stuck in people-pleasing patterns and abandoning my desires let alone taking action in devotion to them! 

Been there, felt that, and guess what? I've cracked the code to bust out of it!

A. It's all about embracing radical self-responsibility - your dreams won't chase themselves!

B. Step one: Know what you want! (Hint: It's not just pizza at 3 AM.)

C. Get motivated to put in that elbow grease, aligned with your goals, of course!

Our online course is the turbo boost you need, complete with tools, activations, and expert guidance that align with these three game-changing elements. It's time to hop into the driver's seat and take control of your life like a pro stunt driver!

With 8 snappy modules, we'll take you on a journey from:

  • Confusion to crystal-clear clarity. 🌪️➡️🔍
  • Leaky, energy-draining days to radiating ease and grace. 💧➡️😄
  • A mind that's more chaotic than a toddler's toy chest to one that's calm, centred, and laser-focused. 🤪➡️🧘‍♀️Overwhelm to pure, unadulterated peace. 😩➡️☮️

Plus, I will throw in some guided vision questing and mindset cultivation to help you achieve and receive everything you've ever dreamed of! 🌟💫

8-part self-paced course that will reignite your clarity and revitalize your energy. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to a focused, energized you. It's time to prioritize what truly matters!"


What's Included?


Realign, Refresh & Reignite

Ignite transformation by realigning your visions and goals so you are in alignment to your new you!

Femme Routines Foundation

Illuminate mornings and nurture nights for your best self.

Power of Breath & Intention

Learn the art of release, carving the new you & setting powerful, unwavering intentions.

Navigate Fear of Failure

Alchemize fear, step into your purpose and learn to TRUST yourself!

Self Responsibility & Empowerment

Clear your energetic channel to allow the positive energy and abundance into your life. 

No Freakouts!

Learn the art of purge to emerge and increase emotional resilience and capacity to invite in more abundance!

Bonus 1

4 fierce soul activating masterclasses to help you slay your goals & unlock your feminine magnetism.

Bonus 2

5 meditations curated by me to go with each module. This will allow you to amplify your growth at rapid speed!



I have been their sister! I know what it feels like to constantly live in fear, not owning your voice, disjointed relationships, loneliness, and a deep sense of disconnect. I have felt it all, experienced it all and risen above it all! 7 years ago I was not the guiding factor of my life. At the time I was living in India, drowning under the expectations and limitations of a conservative and orthodox society. I felt lost, with no connection to my true self. I hit rock bottom and had no option but to redefine “WHO AM I”. It was not a choice! It was a necessity. Otherwise, I literally couldn’t live with myself!
And so my journey to self-discovery began.
I started practising Vipassana, Vedic thought and lifestyle, and Ayurveda. I became a mother to a beautiful being, lover, Indian classical dancer, singer and business owner…. Rewiring my subconscious merged with integrated self-expression led me to realise my true infinite power! I tapped into fathomless power, confidence, courage, and feminine radiance which was sourced from within me. The pure oneness with it all, once I tapped into the divine source of energy, playing small was not an option! Coming from India I have eastern roots and living in Australia led me to adopt western systems, leading me to create a well-balanced, life-changing, powerful, integrated holistic lifestyle and mindset which gives you the best of both worlds. Imbibing physical and spiritual health, radiating confidence, courage, deep love, crystal clear vision, laser-sharp focus, self-trust and self-belief like nothing else! So, it’s my passion to help you fully honour your unique individuality, cultivate a deep sense of knowing and shine out in the modern world like never before! 

Check out our growing community..


"I have come away from this experience with more confidence and an understanding of who I am. I know now that wonderful things do come to you when you step outside of your comfort zone and be vulnerable."
Emily BellTasmania, Australia
"Day by day I started feeling more energetic, productive, happier, calmer. With Damini's support and advice, I was able to dig deeper into myself, and started showing my true self to others!" 
Otgonzaya GanboldSydney, Australia 
"She is so wise, understanding and caring. Aside from the strong routine that we developed, my mindset and perspective have completely elevated as a result of lessons I have learnt and I can see how far I have come as a person."
Claire HoMelbourne

Frequently Asked Questions

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